Lightning talks

Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of audience at BSides Ljubljana was something you’d never do? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Well, you’re in luck because there will be Lightning Talks at BSides Ljubljana.

Taking place as last slot in main track in our agenda – these fast paced sessions are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don’t have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk is perfect for pitching ..

  • You can submit you talk via URL:
  • You can submit any time from now and yes also during BSides Ljubljana on the day of the event
  • We assign timeslots on a first-come, first-served basis
  • You get max. 10min for your talk (no Q&A or reserve time in your 10min slot also for Q&A, switching laptops and preparing slides)


Qubes for NoobsQuick introduction to some of the features of Qubes OS - a security focused Operating System based on Xen hypervisorgor_zilla
Back to (Visual) BasicsMalware creation: I thought the issue would be avoiding detection, not getting detected. I show what VB malware can do without AV noticing.@AlanHendo7
@RIPE_Atlas probes There will be some @RIPE_Atlas probes at BSidesLjubljana@alescasar
Attack the nameserversWe will discuss the usefulness of DNS attack vector and where it still comes in handy.@Kondi_Si
Do risk assessment WISER!Presentation of cyberwiser-light tool and the tech behind it for easy cybersec risk assessment. @alescernivec
fbiOSOn the recent Apple Vs FBI case over the assistance the FBI is requesting from Apple helping unlock one of the San Bernardino shooters.@mikeyjck
Live Memory AnalysisAn extremely brief look at using Volatility's little brother, Rekall, to look at the memory of a live machine without taking static dumps, and the advantages/disadvantages of this approach@generalbrae
Nitro ZeusA quick look at code name Nitro Zeus and its role in the cyber attacks against Iran@NiallWats0n
Nope.jsNode.js is awesome. People's code is not.
Here's a couple of authentication bypasses on crappy code & vulnerable libraries.
@AbertayHackersA short talk on who we are and what we do. @foxsmichael
Slovenian IT excellenceActorDB, Biocoded, CeBIT@gregorspagnolo