Archive for the news Category

0x7E0 — Capture the Flag

| February 2nd, 2016

Do you want to know how it feels to P0WN a server or company? Do you want to test your knowledge, speed and creativity in an attack and jeopardy style competition? Be ready for BSides Ljubljana 0x7E0 CTF.

For more details see CTF subpage.

CfP deadline extended

| January 30th, 2016

Our CfP dragon has some news regarding CfP deadline!

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Are you doing something interesting, super exciting and fun that you would like your peers to hear about? BSides is organized by the community for the community and everyone is encouraged to participate. If you would like to share the excitement about the work you do, enable others to learn from you and gain recognition in the community, give a talk at the event. CfP is still open (for 10 extra days), so hurry up and submit your talk here: https://://

BSidesLjubljana 0x7E0

| December 15th, 2015

Great news everyone!

Second BSidesLjubljana is about to happen on the 9th of March 2016, after such a great success from first BSidesLjubljana (0x7df). We managed to had participants flown from all over the world, including Australia (that is like more than 10022 miles away??!) and giving a talk. If you missed it, do check out 0x7df website.

For next year’s event we are aiming to do even bigger and better BSides event here in Ljubljana. But since BSides is community driven information security event, we cannot do it without you participating (giving a talk/workshop, sponsoring, helping us or just be at BSidesLjubljana!).

Call for papers is now online and open – so please submit your talk/workshop proposal, share CfP with your friends and colleagues, follow us on twitter (@BSidesLjubljana) and subscribe to our newsletter (details below) to be up-to-date when tickets will be available.

Meanwhile some dates to remember

  • 2015 December 16th: CfP Open
  • 2015 December 28th: BSides Hamburg (yes, we’re big fans and supporters of @f1nux and BSidesHH team)
  • 2016 February 1st: CfP deadline
  • .. in-between tickets will become available (still limited amount)
  • 2016 March 8th: Cloud Security Alliance CEE Summit 2016 (main reason why we’re actually doing BSides event)
  • 2016 March 9th: \o/ *BSides Ljubljana* \o/



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